10 simple ways of achieving a healthy lifestyle

Health, happiness, and productivity – all depend on your lifestyle.

Lifestyle is nothing but the sum of all the choices you make on a daily basis. It’s the food you eat, the time you sleep, how much energy you put into the Internet, how many hours you work continuously, how much water you drink, whether or not you smoke, how much physical activity you do, and so on.

Good choices = healthy lifestyle = happy life.

Now, in this super-hectic world, we tend to forget the importance of managing lifestyle and just go with the flow. We tend to work hard and party harder, which in the long run can be quite damaging. The mantra is to balance things and we shall help you with the same.

Achieving a healthy lifestyle – Simple ways from the experts

Here’s a juicy secret for you – managing lifestyle is not difficult at all! You only need to make small but wise changes in your daily routine and you will start seeing a difference. If you are lost and don’t know where and how to start, follow our tips!

1. Eat nourishing, freshly cooked food

How you feel and look majorly depends on the food you eat. Good food boosts energy and productivity. Heavy, unhealthy food can make you lethargic. We advise that you eat freshly cooked food and include vegetables in your diet. Chuck out the fried snacks and replace them with seasonal fruits.

Also, ensure that you are getting all the nutrients. Get the necessary tests done and use vitamin supplements if needed (based on the doctor’s advice).

2. Never skip your breakfast

Breakfast is the most important meal of the day. It should be heavy and healthy. Skipping it will make you feel weak and the Monday “blues” will hit you harder.

Breakfast is aptly named so because you eat after many hours of fasting (while you sleep). The body craves nutrition when you wake up. So, never again must you ignore it!

3. Exercise

The only Ex you should care about is exercise. Try and take at least 30 minutes a day out for physical exercise. Exercise doesn’t have to mean push-ups and jumping jacks. You can play a sport or enroll in dance lessons – anything that makes you move. Attend lifestyle management and therapeutic programs if you need guidance.

4. Try and get at least 7 hours of sleep

Don’t be an owl anymore.

That work assignment can wait. Those parties can also end earlier.

While it’s okay to push your sleep time every now and then, we recommend that you make it a routine to sleep early and wake up in the wee hours. Try calming music or chamomile tea if you tend to be restless at night time.

5. Switch the news OFF

Due to the many channels of information consumption today, we are taking in a lot more than needed. Twitter, online news channels, and apps are loaded with news – mostly negative. You may not realize it immediately but all this has a negative impact. Try to get the highlights once a day and stay away during the remaining hours.

6. Download a health app

Any app that tracks sleep, heart rate, movement, etc. will suffice as long as it tracks everything accurately. Tracking works like a motivator to get better and put in more effort.

While you are at it, we advise that you also keep an eye on your weight and take measures to manage it.

7. Socialize with good people (and cut out toxicity)

It’s always good to spend some time chatting and having fun with people you love. You deserve that break!

Also, try and keep away from toxicity and cut out people who negatively impact your health.

8. Take measures to reduce stress

·   Work stress

·   Financial stress

·   Personal stress

That’s a lot and can weigh you down. Take care of your mental health by being kind to yourself, taking things slow, and not stressing much over anything. Practices such as yoga, nature walks, and exercise can relieve stress.

9. Reduce alcohol intake

Alcohol calories are a real thing. Ever heard of the “beer belly?”

Alcohol consumption once in a while is okay but regular intake can cause addiction and a range of health issues.

10. Reduce salt and remove sugar from your diet

Use low sodium products while cooking and try to choose healthy alternatives for sugar. Salt and sugar are both very bad for health and can have adverse, chronic effects. If you have diabetes, make sure you strictly follow the diet for sugar patients.


We hope you now understand the importance of managing lifestyle and will take the necessary measures. Please take it slow and make one change at a time so that it is easier. Otherwise, it may get overwhelming and cause you to lose motivation. At Wellknox, we have multiple lifestyle management and therapeutic programs to help you in your journey. Do reach out to us via our website.

Meta description: Make lifestyle changes now for a healthy, happy tomorrow. Click here to explore simple ways to do so.

