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Complications during pregnancy or during birth, Genetic abnormalities, or complications that arise during the time of early infancy or early childhood cause developmental delays like communication disorders. These communication problems are often caused due to undeveloped oral muscular structure, neurological disorders, injuries, or emotional issues. Clinical conditions like Autism, ADHD, Cerebral Palsy, Aphasia, etc., also result in communication impairments.
Parenting kids with such disabilities is extremely challenging as they have special needs. They need specialized interventions to address the primary areas of deficit that come with various clinical conditions which contribute to these communication challenges. An interaction process has multiple aspects like Speech, Language, and actual Communication. In their early stages of life, some kids have difficulty maintaining eye contact, difficulty understanding complex words, ineffective interaction in social settings, poor language and communication skills, and more.
There are numerous treatments designed to support language development and social interaction, Communication Therapy being the most important one.
Therapists at Wellknox set condition-specific goals for each child dealing with impairing conditions and clearly define the aspect to be improved. They design and implement techniques to motivate the children to initiate and engage in conversations, communicate effectively, and express themselves well.
Our therapists provide an engaging experience to kids with complex health conditions that affect the way children communicate. Wellknox’s Child Wellness Service has personalized Therapeutic Programs with specific goals to ensure recovery and improved quality of life in children with disabling conditions. Alongside Communication Therapy, Wellknox Rehabilitation Centers also provides a wide array of advanced Clinical therapy Programs and Child Wellness Programs like Autism Therapy, Snoezelen Therapy, Occupational Therapy, Music Art and Dance, Physiotherapy, and more.
Wellknox is one of the best rehabilitation centers in Hyderabad. Rehabilitation is the process of helping an individual recover from an injury or illness with a variety of services available including the Best Neuro rehabilitation, physiotherapy, occupational therapy, speech therapy, and more.